Sunday, August 9, 2009

Summer Garden

The garden is doing well! I read a gardening book that gave me a great receipe for an organic fertilizer (4 parts cottonseed meal, 1/2 part limestone, 1/2 part bonemeal). The corn is head high now and to my right are the potatoes. Below our some green beans, cucumbers, zukes, tomatoes and swiss chard that we picked. Gardening is kind of my hobbie now :-)

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Samantha's Cast

Our little baby has a cast :-( She was walking with Heather to the mailbox when she fell and buckle fractured her tibia. She couldn't put any weight on her foot and she did not stop crying so Heather had our neighbor Milly drive them to the hospital. Kind of a fluke but the doctor said Samantha will be good as new in about four weeks. Samantha has been so brave and the cast hasn't seemed to slow her down at all!
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