Sunday, November 15, 2009

Food Inc.

Here is a documentary worth checking out. It is exactly why we have made it a priority to eat whole and organic foods. We as consumers have a lot more power than we think. If this documentary motivates you to change, a next great resources is "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon. Here is a list of changes we have made:

  1. We buy local and organic fruits and vegetables
  2. We don't buy packaged items like cereal, crackers, cookies, etc.
  3. We soak our grains and flours to make them more digestible
  4. We eat sprouted bread
  5. We take whole food multivitamins and a teaspoon of Cod Liver oil each day
  6. We drink raw, whole milk
  7. We buy natural free range chicken, wild caught salmon and Country Natural Beef
  8. We eat vegetarian at least one day a week
  9. We cook on cast iron
  10. We compost and recycle everything we can and only throw away one garbage can a month
  11. We have dreads in our hair (joke)